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At An Amazing Price

Our Database of Legal Professionals (SIC Code: 8111)

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Our list has 192,056 Legal Professionals all with email addresses! No one has a list this complete, this accurate, at this price!

Complete US Legal Database

Full Record Version
(192,056 records)

$648 / $454

Includes the following fields:
  • Full Name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix)
  • Email Address
  • Title
  • Company
  • Address (Street, City, State, Zip, County)
  • Phone/Fax/Toll-Free
  • Gender
  • Website
  • SIC Code/Name

Email Version
(192,056 records)

$398 / $279

Includes the following fields:
  • Full Name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix)
  • Email Address
  • City, State, Zip, County
  • SIC4/SIC Name

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Legal Professional Lists by State

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Alaska 302 $9 / $6
Alabama 2,243 $39 / $27
Arkansas 774 $26 / $18
Arizona 2,408 $43 / $30
California 27,903 $184 / $129
Colorado 3,195 $59 / $41
Connecticut 2,507 $63 / $44
District of Columbia 9,172 $60 / $42
Delaware 677 $16 / $11
Florida 11,370 $133 / $93
Georgia 7,186 $94 / $66
Hawaii 618 $10 / $7
Iowa 1,250 $35 / $24
Idaho 360 $21 / $15
Illinois 9,412 $110 / $77
Indiana 2,347 $114 / $80
Kansas 962 $41 / $29
Kentucky 2,146 $33 / $23
Louisiana 2,625 $30 / $21
Massachusetts 5,662 $104 / $73
Maryland 2,521 $67 / $47
Maine 539 $14 / $10
Michigan 6,302 $99 / $69
Minnesota 2,924 $71 / $50
Missouri 3,592 $71 / $50
Mississippi 1,090 $30 / $21
Montana 301 $17 / $12
North Carolina 3,865 $71 / $50
North Dakota 435 $12 / $8
Nebraska 972 $20 / $14
New Hampshire 476 $28 / $20
New Jersey 5,915 $118 / $83
New Mexico 833 $10 / $7
Nevada 1,014 $25 / $18
New York 22,178 $173 / $121
Ohio 5,727 $98 / $69
Oklahoma 1,444 $72 / $50
Oregon 2,192 $47 / $33
Pennsylvania 7,156 $111 / $78
Rhode Island 513 $15 / $10
South Carolina 3,034 $26 / $18
South Dakota 354 $11 / $8
Tennessee 1,963 $143 / $100
Texas 11,931 $173 / $121
Utah 942 $36 / $25
Virginia 3,521 $79 / $55
Vermont 405 $15 / $10
Washington 3,185 $68 / $48
Wisconsin 2,668 $68 / $48
West Virginia 758 $10 / $7
Wyoming 187 $6 / $4