Big Data for Small Businesses
At An Amazing Price

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr Bill is me -- Bill Bailey. Read my story. I sell business lists here, real estate agent lists at and physician and dentist lists at I have sold 23,688 lists since 2002!

The data contains 15 millions full contact records (including email) for individuals associated with the full range of business categories defined by SIC Code.

While you can request a customized list by SIC Code, I have also pre-packaged the most popular categories:

While, for my real estate agent and physician lists, I utilize my unique combination of programming and databases skills to collect, aggregate, compile and clean the data myself from dozens (hundreds? I've lost count!) of publicly available sources.... I have acquired my business lists data from a respected data source and then cleaned the data using data hygiene services.

Yes. I guarantee 90% accuracy or you get a prorated refund... you will always only end up paying for what you get. Because I use data hygiene services to verify the emails and remove future bounces from the campaigns I manage for clients, you can be confident that the data is accurate.

I clean out bad email addresses monthly based on hard bounce reports from my email broadcasts. My goal is to refresh the data annually from my data provider.

Yes. I offer a free sample of 100 records from any of the 7 major categories (Accounting, Contracting, Engineering, Executives, Education, Financial Advisors, and Insurance. You select the county and I'll generate a random sample for you to examine.

Full Name
Email Address
Office Address
  -City, State, Zip

You can download your list immediately after purchasing by logging into your account. Your username will be your email address and we will send you an initial password. All files will be in Excel CSV format.

Our "Terms of Service" agreement appears on the checkout page and is included on your order confirmation email and in our database zip file. We recommend reading the Terms of Service completely. The most important point in our TOS is that we do not allow you to resell, publish, or share the data in any way.

All of my data files includes "seeds" that are UNIQUE TO EACH INDIVIDUAL PURCHASE. That is, each list is "fingerprinted" to you. If you give the list to someone else, the list can be traced back to you! I have and will take legal action against those who resell my lists. I work hard to collect my data and sell it at a fair price... it's not too much to ask you to keep it to yourself.

Yes. I have broadcast over 250,000,000 emails for clients over the last 8 years. I can help you avoid all the pitfalls of email marketing. For more details on this service, click here.

There is no such thing as a purchased opt-in list. The only way to have an opt-in list is to have your customers specifically agree to receive emails from you. Having said that, there is a practical difference between sending highly targeted unsolicited emails versus blindly spamming someone. I consider my email addresses to be "soft" opt-in which means that they were gathered from my primary sources and the individuals have willfully made their email address publicly available. However, mail services such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, etc. do not permit the use of purchased lists. If you choose to use my lists with these services, you do so at your own risk.

The Federal CAN-SPAM law (see FTC Regulations) permits unsolicited commercial emails to be sent if you follow a few simple rules:

1. You must include an accurate and honest subject line that describes your email offer.
2. Your business mailing address must be included in the body of the email. This must be a physical address for your business, PO Boxes are not allowed.
3. You must include an unsubscribe link in your email that allows the recipient to opt out of future emails.

If you follow these rules, "spam" should not be an issue. If you are new to emailing or are looking for a professional campaign solution please read about my Email Marketing Service or contact us at 800-974-5420.